Pack Committee Members

Pack Committee

The unit invites all parents to attend Pack Committee meetings and encourages volunteering to help with various tasks. The Pack Committee consists of a minimum of 3 Committee Members: The Pack Committee Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Pack Committee can include additional registered Committee Members that can focus on other vital tasks, such as awards, events, and inventory

Some of the administrative duties include:

  • working together to help recruit the Cubmaster and one or more assistant Cubmasters, with the chartered organization’s approval
  • Coordinate the pack’s program
  • Complete the pack annual charter renewal
  • Help stimulate the interest of adult family members through proper programming
  • Supervise finances and equipment
  • Actively assist the pack committee chair and Cubmaster
  • Ensure that all Cub Scouts receive a quality program
  • Complete leader position-specific training
  • Conduct, with the help of the Cubmaster, periodic training for parents and guardians using the Unit Leadership Enhancements found in the Cub Scout Leader Book

New Member Coordinator

The NMC welcomes new youth and families through marketing the Cub Scout Program, helps develop unit membership plans, such as recruiting events, and collaborates with local districts to help sustain the Scouting mission. NMC provides logistical assistance for registering with BSA and the Unit, “learning the ropes” of the scouting program, and fostering their increasing volunteerism in the Pack.

Role Descriptions:

Awards Committee Member: The advancement chair helps with purchasing, organizing and distributing awards and rank advancements earned by scouts.

Fundraising Committee Member: Fundraising is extremely important to the pack. This committee member works together with a designated team of parents to organize fundraising sheets, inform the pack of goals, and collect and distribute popcorn,wreaths and prizes.

Pack Treasure: The Pack Treasurer ensures the pack’s finances are sound. They will provide regular treasure reports to the pack committee.

Pack Secretary: The Pack Secretary supports the Pack Committee Chair by taking note during Committee Meetings, assists with Pack Communications, and maintaining Pack records.

Events Committee Members: These members help plan and organize the Pack’s activities for the year. They collaborate with the Pack Committee Chair and Cubmasters to ensure all events are reflective of the national program and offer fun and stimulating learning opportunities for the Cub Scout. Event Committee Members are supported by a team of parent volunteers to execute preparations and to deliver the event.