Cubmaster Role:
The cubmaster’s role is to plan and help carry out the Cub Scout program in the pack according to the policies of the BSA. This includes leading the pack nights with the help of other leaders. They guide and support den leaders throughout the year. They will maintain a good relationship with parents and guardians. Cubmasters work as a team with the pack committee chair to cultivate, educate, and motivate all pack Leaders and parents or guardians in Cub Scouting. The pack committee chair has this as a primary responsibility and focuses more on the administrative work. They will seek support and include them in activities. Cubmasters conduct impressive advancement, recognition, and award ceremonies.
The Pack Night
The pack night is the most important and most fun responsibility of the Cubmaster. The pack night program includes:
- A gathering activity
- Opening ceremony
- Awards recognition
- Themed activity
- Closing ceremony
The pack night is when the Cub Scouts receive belt loops, pins, and other awards they earned throughout the year.
Rank Advancement
At the end of the program year which is in the month of May, Cub Scouts who have completed their rank requirements and electives will earn their badge of rank and advance to the next year’s rank. This all takes place at the Blue and Gold banquet.