Unit Fees and Fundraising

Scouting America National Membership

The first step in becoming active in Cub Scouts is to become a member in Scouting America.  This is an online registration process where council fees will be paid by the individual family and renewed annually on your anniversary date of your membership.  Your participation is only active once you have registered and paid the Scouting America fee.  Register with Pack 151 here https://my.scouting.org/online-registration/f8094f57-070a-4d78-8e46-5edef3a17777/applicant-type

Pack 151 Unit Fees

The Unit fee is paid before the program starts in August or at the time of your initial registration.  The fee covers rank handbook, leader membership fee coverage, along with other necessary items which are determined on a yearly basis.


Our fundraising is mandatory for each scout and it consists of selling popcorn and wreaths.  All of the money made from this event helps keep the Unit fees low, offset costs of future activities as well as fund annual activities.  If we do not fund-raise the annual Unit fee in August would increase a lot. The below PDF offers general information about how scouting is funded and to educate parents on how income is spent if you’d like more information.

PTAC Invest in Character Campaign