Unit Key 3

Unit Key 3

The unit Key 3 is a critical component to the success of the unit. The unit Key 3 consists of theunit committee chair, the unit leader (Cubmaster), and the chartered organization representative. The unit commissioner serves as an advisor to the unit Key 3

This group should meet regularly to discuss the unit, its challenges, coming events, and progress toward completing their action plan and Journey to Excellence goals. It is a time for unit Key 3 to learn how to spot early warning signs and work together toward continued unit success. The unit commissioner meets with them to support their efforts, to help with problem solving, and to keep the unit moving in sync with the district and council calendars.

Charter Organization Representative 

The chartered organization representative’s primary responsibilities are to help units to be successful and to provide coordination between the chartered organization and Scouting.

Pack Committee Chair

Email: pack151mtprospect@gmail.com

The Pack Committee Chair is appointed by the Chartered Organization. The Pack Committee Chair, with the help of parents and registered Committee Members, helps to manage the Pack from the administrative side in order to support the Cubmaster and the Den Leaders so that they are able to focus on engaging with the Cub Scouts and delivering the program.

Cubmaster & Asst. Cubmaster

While the Pack Committee focuses on the administrative duties of the Cub Scout Program, the focus of the Cubmaster is to carry out the Cub Scout program in the pack according to the policies of the BSA. This includes leading the pack meeting and residing as the Master of Ceremonies to recognize the accomplishments of each Cub Scout.